Your Romantic First Dance

Private Wedding Dance Lessons in NYC for Fun Loving Couples.

The Wedding Flowers of Germany!

Which flowers are popular in… Germany!

Germany has wonderful festivals, traditional German cuisine, landscape and its castles. 

Germany… Flowers in Weddings

German weddings are known to be fun. They have an event called Polterabend where the bride and groom family and friends break up plates. Then only the groom and bride have to clean up the mess which shows the ability to work together. 

Germany… Popular for Floral Arrangements


Red Roses symbolize beauty, affection and faithfulness.

Yellow Roses symbolize happiness and remembrance. 

White Roses symbolize purity, innocence, and virtue. 


White hydrangeas symbolize purity, grace and abundance. 


Orchids represent love, beauty and strength. 

Lily of the Valley

Lily of Valley symbolize good luck, purity and humility. 
